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Current Ph.D Students

Current M.Sc. Students

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Barsha Priyadarsini

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Shankar Kumar

Ph. D Alumni

M.Sc. Alumni

1. Mr. Sapan Shahoo

 Current Position: Research Scholar, Department of Physics, IIT Madras, India

2. Md. Arzil Alam

Current Position: Teacher, Sheyn International School, Kandra, Jharkhand, India

3. Mr. Amit K Gupta

Current Position: Research Scholar Department of Physics, CUSB, Gaya

4. Ms. Aishwarya Sahoo

5. Ms. Sudha Kumari

6. Mr. Ashish Prakash 

Current Position: Teacher, Middle School Pachhan, Gaya

7. Mr. Abhishek Kumar Singh

8. Md. Shamsher Ahmad

9. Mr. Nitya Gopal

10. Mr. Vipin Kumar

11. Mr. Anshu Kumar Jha

12. Mr. Kumar Shubham

Current Position: Research Scholar, The Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS)

13. Ms. Shubhraja Chowdhury

14. Ms. Ekta Priya

15. Mr. Samir Kumar Sahoo

16. Mr. Amit Kumar

17. Mr. Sujit Kumar Sahoo

18. Ms. Mina Marndi

19. Ms. Pallavi Kumari

Functional Materials Research Laboratory
Department of Physics
Central University of South Bihar, Gaya

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